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EPA Septic Cost Share Program

Date: Closed in 2024, Waitlist Open
Status: Completed

Teton County, Wyoming Residents Eligible for Septic System Pumping Rebate

The POWJH Septic System Pumping Cost Share Program offers an incentive to encourage Teton County, WY residents to perform regular maintenance on individual septic systems, prevent groundwater contamination, and protect our Sole Source Aquifer that provides drinking water to nearly the entire population of the region.

The first 75 households to sign up are eligible for a $200 reimbursement for septic system pumping services.

Enrollment is currently closed. Join the waitlist! We are seeking additional grant funds to continue the program.

Join the Waitlist

Enrollment Instructions

If you are already enrolled in 2024, schedule your maintenance. Contact a septic system service provider to schedule an appointment.

1. Complete Enrollment Signup - Currently Closed

Check back for updates or join our waitlist.

2. Complete the POJWH Septic Pumping Cost Share Program Checklist

Make sure your service provider completes the Cost Share Program Checklist and returns the completed form to you along with a receipt for the services. Program participants must pay for the services in full, and POWJH will issue a reimbursement check to the participant once all of the necessary paperwork is submitted.

Download the Checklist

3. Submit your reimbursement materials

To obtain your $200 reimbursement, submit the following materials to POWJH once the service is complete:

  • Receipt of service from service provider
  • Completed POWJH Septic System Pumping Cost Share Program Checklist

How to Submit Paperwork:
Email a photo or scanned copy of your receipt and the completed checklist to –
Matthew Bambach, POWJH Water Resources Program Manager:

Please submit only one reimbursement per property. Reimbursements are issued on a first come, first serve basis until program funds are exhausted. Reimbursement will only be authorized if paperwork is complete and correct.

Why should I pump my septic system?

Many residences in Teton County, WY use individual septic systems to treat household wastewater. Septic systems can pollute our drinking water, streams, rivers, and wetlands.

As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to regularly maintain your system.

Groundwater contamination by poorly or untreated household wastewater poses dangers to drinking water and the environment. Malfunctioning septic systems can release nutrients and pathogens into our water that can be harmful to people and animals. When these pollutants are released into the ground, they can make their way into drinking water sources and cause drinking water wells to become contaminated. They can also enter streams, rivers, lakes, and wetlands, causing harm to fish, wildlife, and plants.

Septic Systems in Teton County, WY

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