Clean water now & for future generations
Dedicated to restoring and protecting the Snake River Headwaters watershed to ensure clean water is a reality today, and a promise for a healthy future.
Our VisionThe Snake River Headwaters watershed faces a range of issues affecting its water quality. Sources of nutrient pollution throughout our valley are threatening serious damage to the life-giving resource that sustains our entire ecosystem, community, and economy.
Explore the IssuesAdvocacy. Education. Solutions.
Our community's health and wellness, and our region's recreational and economic vitality all depend on the health of the Snake River Headwaters watershed and the natural world that it supports. As this vital watershed faces increasing threats, POWJH is taking bold action to protect and restore clean water, now and for future generations.
What We Do

This is a critical time for water planning.
Protecting and restoring clean water is an urgent matter for our community. POWJH is taking direct and decisive actions among our staff, partners, community, and elected officials in defense of clean water and a healthy ecosystem.
View All ProjectsActions that matter.

The time to act is now.
Support Protect Our Water Jackson Hole today to help us preserve and protect the Snake River watershed for future generations. Take action through volunteering, donating, putting best-practices in place, and raising awareness among community members.
Get InvolvedPOWJH Events

Drinking Water Well Testing
Date: Ongoing
Status: Current
POWJH received two consecutive U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Environmental Education grants to provide free drinking water well testing resources to our community. Any Teton County, WY private well user can participate.

Tap Into Science Event Series
Date: Ongoing
Status: Current
FREE presentations by local scientists where you can relax and enjoy a pint of award-winning beer while you learn about engaging watershed science topics around Jackson Hole.
Recent Posts
Health Advisory for Nitrates in Drinking Water from POWJH – November 14, 2024
Serious and potentially life-threatening effects of high nitrate consumption have been recognized since the early 1960’s leading the EPA to establish a maximum acceptable level in drinking water at 10...
FINAL REPORT: Investigation of Elevated Nitrates in the Hoback Junction Area Teton County, Wyoming
Based on the results of the data review, it appears that the major known source of nitrates in groundwater is related to the density of domestic septic systems in the...
List of Clean Water Act Section 404 Nationwide Permits
Section 404 of the Clean Water Act requires authorization from the Army Corps of Engineers for discharge of dredged or fill material into all waters of the U.S., including wetlands.