My husband and I currently live in Jackson proper but will relocate a couple miles south of Wilson along Fish Creek in late 2024 and will also have access to a spring-fed pond. We hope to enjoy all the activities these waters allow as well as the many nearby lakes. Our concern, however, is both the above-ground water pollution as well as what may be impacting the water table and well water.
Water is our life-source and it provides so many recreational opportunities. I am very impressed with how much POWJH has accomplished and the impact it has had in a relatively short period of time. It is focused. I am honored to serve and hope to help make an impact.
I hope POWJH will help with the completion of the Water Quality Management Plan and the development of a road map for clean water for both living and recreating for our children and grandchildren. Our water reaches well beyond the county and even our state of Wyoming. We need to be good stewards of this precious resource.