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E. Coli Impairments & Advisories

Local Waterways Impaired by E. Coli

The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality has known for several years that Jackson’s Fish Creek and Flat Creek have, at times, contained more Escherichia coli (E. coli) than is considered safe for swimming and other primary contact recreation.

Teton County Conservation District’s 2003 study on Fish Creek approximated that 6% of the E. coli found was from human waste. The only human waste sources are septic systems leaking into the groundwater or the wastewater treatment plants.

What is E. Coli?

E. coli are bacteria found in the environment, foods, and intestines of people and animals. Although most strains of E. coli are harmless, others can make you sick.

Knowing where E. coli comes from can help reduce levels in our drinking water, rivers, and streams. Some sources of fecal contamination include wildlife, pet waste, septic systems, wastewater treatment plants, and livestock manure.

E. coli from wildlife is something we can’t control. Focusing on the sources we can control – such as pet and human waste – will help return drinking and recreational waters to acceptable levels. POWJH is involved in efforts that address these sources.

E. Coli Warnings in Jackson Hole

Fish Creek and portions of Flat Creek were listed as impaired waterways in January of 2020 due to elevated E. coli levels which are used as indicators of the presence of fecal material in the water. But, no action had been taken to warn users of the potentially harmful fecal bacteria.

POWJH had to advocate extensively to have warning signs posted that swimming and float tubing should be avoided at Fish Creek and Flat Creek. In July of 2020, POWJH successfully petitioned the Teton District Board of Health to take action and install warning signs alerting float-tubers, swimmers, and anglers of potential health risks associated with in-stream recreation due to elevated E. coli levels. The signs were re-installed in the spring of 2021.

POWJH is Taking Action

Community Solutions

Water Quality Monitoring

Date: Ongoing
Status: Current

Fish Creek and parts of Flat Creek have been listed on Wyoming’s Impaired Waters list since 2020 for elevated E. coli bacteria. Despite this, regular monitoring of bacteria levels in these waterbodies has not occurred. POWJH launched a collaborative water quality monitoring program in Spring 2023 to provide data critical to safe recreation and informed management of each creek.

Community Solutions

Septic Maintenance Cost Share Program

Date: Spring 2017 & 2018
Status: Completed

Teton Conservation District and Friends of Fish Creek partnered to provide Teton County, Wyoming, residents the opportunity to receive a rebate for pumping septic systems which had not been maintained in the last 5 years.

The time to act is now.
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